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Behavioural Problems

Are you concerned about your horses behaviour? All behavioural work is undertaken in an professional, sensitive and thoughtful manner. 

  • A free phone consultation with detailed note taking. Possibility of Vet checks being recommended before anything else. 

  • On site visit and assessment. £60

  • Plan of action agreed upon and time scale discussed. 

  • £40 a session thereafter.

"I have a lot of experience working with challenging horses on the ground and ridden. My objective in this type of work is to help my clients feel confident in their own abilities by equipping them with safe, ethical and practical techniques to know how to handle more challenging behaviours. Ultimately leading you to a greater understanding of why your horse does what it does and how you can communicate in a way that your horse can understand.

I aim to inspire, support and encourage you to progress at a pace you are comfortable with."...

Please take a look at my blogs and see the Equine behaviour notes to get an idea of how I approach this kind of work. 



In hand

Liberty Training

I am a great advocate of groundwork for horses.


At it's roots, and when used skilfully, groundwork is a practical tool for problem solving and behavioural work.

When combined with Positive Reinforcement (PR) the two training modules can yield excellent results giving you a powerful training advantage.

Lessons focus on teaching a horse how to think through exploration by using the horses natural talent for curiosity. When working in this way we can create positive outcomes in calming, spooky, stressed and explosive type animals. On the other end of the spectrum we can use PR combined with occasional pressure and release to inspire and energise the more shut down horses without adding to their desensitisation or learned helplessness.

Once the basics have been mastered, the benefits of Groundwork are numerous because it enables us to teach the horse about posture, lateral movement and engagement way before it has to carry the weight of a rider.


It reaches into the world of Classical Dressage and Straightness Training. It builds trust and it's also a lot of fun to do! It exposes any weakness your horse may have and it helps to create refined communication. 

I use it daily for many different reasons as it has the capacity to build the horses physical strength/balance, cooperation and drive to learn like nothing else. 

Spending time doing exercises with our horses on the ground will have a direct relation to how they perform under saddle. This is one of the oldest rules in the book yet is practically all but forgotten in our day to day routine with our horses. 


Riding Lessons

If you are looking to improve your riding and engage your horse I can help. By combining the very best from both classical and natural approaches I can provide the experience and range of skills to help you get the best out of your horse whatever your chosen discipline my be.

I would NEVER use or expect my clients to use any type of gadget on their horse. Ridden lessons are about building an understanding between horse and rider which allows room and time for proper posture, by engaging the hind end, lifting the back and slowly building on impulsion. We aim and reward the horse for willingly reaching into and seeking the contact. The horse will learn to feel free in it's natural movement and from there we can slowly create the strength and balance needed to work towards "collection". This is a journey and not a destination. It is only by respecting the horses natural biomechanics that we can begin to ask for more. And ALWAYS when the horse is ready. 

I have many successes working with "hot" horses who have been ridden in strong bridles and overreact to the leg. Most of my clients all end up in simple snaffles with a lose or no noseband. Some even go bitless with great results!

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