Unity Horsemanship
Tel: 07508896475
"Brutality begins where skill ends.
- Egon von Neindorff -

"You're not working on the horse,
you're working on yourself."
- Ray Hunt -
I passionately believe in using evidence-based training solutions.
There are probably a hundred different ways to train a horse. Many of them may appear to work, but only a few will yield a long term positive outcome for both horse and rider.
For me, a method should be a fluid and adaptable tool.
Training should never cause physical or mental harm, instead, all training is focused around improving a horse mentally and physically.
Unity Horsemanship aims to bridge the gap between "classical" and "natural" training. We do this by uniquely combining the Science of Behaviour and the Art of Horsemanship.
By taking only the best from both worlds and having a clear focus towards equine behaviour and psychology. I ensure that Unity Horsemanship’s basic principle of training is always upheld.
-Training must be safe, humane, and evidence based.-
Horses and clients come to me from many different backgrounds, whichever way your passion or interest leans the foundation I teach is relevant to all.
Equine Learning Theory combined with the training tools of pressure and release and positive reinforcement are also a crucial part of our training program.
Lessons involve tailored gymnastic exercises for your horse to help with strength, balance and straightness, preparing it for the more advanced work when it is ready.
We strive towards encouraging a soft body and a receptive mind which will, in turn, create an effortless connection, natural impulsion and a desire to seek the contact, eventually resulting in collection when the time is right to ask for it.
All our work is dedicated to creating lightness in the horse and avoiding anything that could create resistance.
I regularly remind myself that we are all students of the horse. Ultimately a good horseman/woman never stops learning. I believe in, and try to facilitate, an environment that nurtures my clients' unique path to success with their equally unique horses.
Clients are encouraged to be part of the solution with their horses and through this process, I aim for all to grow in confidence, while truly enjoying the journey together.